I am Celine Dion is an upcoming 2024 documentary movie based on the real-life titular lady. Recently, Celine Dion received a standing ovation at the New York screening of her documentary.
Before this, there are other movies made based on Dion’s life, including Celine (2008) and Celine: Through the Eyes of the World (2010)
And I am Celine Dion, which is another documentary installment exploring Dion’s major life.
I Am Celine Dion Story & Cast
Directed by Irene Taylor, I am Celine Dion focuses on Dion’s life, career accomplishments and her battle with stiff-person syndrome.
In the documentary, Dion appears herself and shares her life experience through the screen. The movie is titled “Je suis: Céline Dion” in Francophone countries.
Also, I am Celine Dion will run for 102 minutes as a feature film.
I Am Celine Dion Release Date
The movie was announced by Sony Music Entertainment to make a feature documentary movie in September 2021, and the title became public in January 2024.
The trailer of I am Celine Dion was released on May 23, 2024. It is scheduled to drop soundtracks of the documentary movie on June 21, 2024.
And I am Celine Dion will be streaming on June 25, 2024, on Amazon Prime Video.